How the cold affects the body

The power of cold

How does cold affect the body?

Effects of ice bathing on the body

It has been scientifically proven that cold is good for the body and mind: it speeds up recovery. The body recovers faster from training when exposed to cold. Cold therapy also reduces delayed onset muscle soreness after exercise. It relieves pain. Cold constricts blood vessels, numbs nerves and relieves pain. It relieves inflammation. The increase in local blood circulation caused by cold relieves muscle and joint inflammation. It increases your resistance. Cold activates your immune system and strengthens your heart and promotes blood circulation. It feels good. The pituitary gland releases beta-endorphin, which makes you feel good. Falling asleep is easier and the quality of sleep is better. When our body is exposed to cold, it releases serotonin, which relieves insomnia. You will have more energy. Exposure to cold makes you more alert and energetic. The cold shock activates your muscles, wakes you up and stimulates your body.